Post Race Relaxation/Recovery
Monday, September 24th (6-7PM) - Recovery Yoga for Rochester Marathon Weekend Participants. Bring your yoga mat, a towel and block (if needed) and join us for some post race relaxation yoga to work out any soreness you may have from Rochester Marathon Weekend in the Gallery next to Fleet Feet @ The Armory. You’ll enjoy an hour worth of low impact gentle relaxing poses to work out any kinks and reset your body. This complimentary class is offered to participants of the Rochester Marathon Weekend. The class is capped at 90 participants/Registration Required. Register at
Tuesday, September 25th (6PM) - Fours Season Challenge ROAD Run/Walk & Awards Ceremony at Fleet Feet @ The Armory. At 6PM we will do an easy recovery run/walk. At 6:45PM we will have refreshments and begin the awards ceremony for Four Season Challenge ROAD 52.4, 65.5 and 5K participant winners. Plus Four Season Challenge participants can get their FINISHER Shirt. ALL WELCOME no registration required!
During both of these days, finishers will also be able to get a FINISHER shirt. Pre-orders available on race day at the Fleet Feet booth on race day at Frontier Field.
Hope you can join us for some post race relaxation & recovery courtesy of Fleet Feet!